Tuesday 22 May 2012

Our Hearts Beat for Kokako

Yay - we now have our very-own, super-dooper chalkydigits blog and we are so happy to see you here!

We've just been itching to tell you all about our recent trip to Rotorua to meet with the fine folk of Kaharoa Kokako Trust and witness the dawn chorus they are working so hard to protect.

In the quiet, pre-dawn darkness they guided us deep into their slice of native paradise and we heard with our own ears the results of all their hard work - kokako everywhere singing their little hearts out. It was breathtaking and heartwarming all at the same time.

We then had the pleasure of presenting the Trust with a very healthy $10 000 cheque - all raised from the crafty little badges you so awesomely bought - and destined to help secure the future of these rare birds in the Kaharoa Conservation Estate.

From the bottom of our hearts (and those of the fabulous Kaharoa trustees) we thank you for the incredible support you have shown for our project to help one of New Zealand's most endangered and special songbirds.

We are ever so grateful that you really do care and are willing to show that your heart beats for kokako too.